Chicago deep dish pizza at Giordano's

3 Must-Eat Foods in Chicago

Chicago is famous for many things. There are well-known landmarks like Millennium Park, Buckingham Fountain, Navy Pier, and the Willis Tower. We also have world-class museums and attractions like the Art Institute, the Field Museum, and the Shedd Aquarium. And don’t forget about our storied sports teams like the Bulls, Bears, and Cubs. 

But there’s one other thing that Chicago is famous for: our FOOD! Many major cities have foods that they are known for. Philadelphia has the cheesesteak. Nashville has hot chicken. Buffalo has wings. So are you wondering what to eat in Chicago? Well, there’s not one, not two, but three foods that are must-eats! What are these and why should you try them all? Read on to find out…


When you ask most people what food they first think of when it comes to Chicago, chances are they’ll say deep dish pizza. And for good reason. Deep dish style is a pizza experience like no other. Some may dismiss it as a gluttonous monstrosity, but we think it’s a must-try.

As the name suggests, the pizza is baked in a deep pan and is the furthest thing you can be from a more traditional thin crust pie. The high, thick crust allows sauce toppings, and a heaping amount of cheese to be in each slice. A variety of restaurants offer deep dish in Chicago. And while there may be slight differences between each pizza place, you’re guaranteed an explosion of flavor for your taste buds.

Here are some of our favorite places to grab some slices of deep dish pizza:

Chicago deep dish pizza
If you love a lot of cheese, you'll love Chicago deep dish pizza!


The next must-try food in Chicago is our take on the hot dog. If you’re used to a simple backyard grilled hot dog with just some ketchup or mustard, you are in for quite a treat!

Chicago dogs have a simple rule, which is NO ketchup! Seriously. That’s pretty much heresy in the Windy City. But if you’re a ketchup lover, don’t worry. There’s plenty of other delicious toppings to make up a tasty combination you won’t find anywhere else. What are the ingredients of a Chicago hot dog?

Chicago hot dog from Devil Dawgs
  • Poppy seed bun
  • All-beef hot dog
  • Yellow mustard
  • Sweet pickle relish
  • Tomato slices
  • Chopped white onions
  • Dill pickle spear
  • Sport peppers (they’re spicy!)
  • Celery salt
  • And remember: no ketchup!

There are many places around Chicago to grab a hot dog. From stands that pop up during the summer to longtime establishments, here’s a list of some of the best places to check out:

Hot dog at a Cubs game
A sporting event is a great place to chow down on a Chicago hot dog too!


Last on the list of what to eat in Chicago is the Italian beef sandwich. If you’re not familiar with this creation, it starts with a long French roll filled with extremely thin slices of seasoned roast beef. What makes these sandwiches special is that then the whole thing is dipped into the juice that the beef was cooked in. (Of course, if you don’t like your sandwiches that soggy, you don’t have to get it dipped. But don’t worry, the beef will still have enough seasoning and juice for a mouthwatering experience.

Italian beef sandwich from Al's Beef
Soak up all the flavors with a dipped Italian beef sandwich!

There are plenty of restaurants to get an Italian beef sandwich, but we really just have one recommendation: Al’s Beef. There are several locations throughout the city, but any of them will deliver the award-winning Italian beef that Al’s is famous for. If you like heat, we highly recommend adding some hot giardiniera. For those who prefer a milder taste, sweet peppers is another great option.

Italian beef sandwich
We love heating things up with some giardiniera!


And there you have it: the trifecta of Chicago food. Now you know exactly what to eat in Chicago. On your next trip here, be sure you try each one – we promise you won’t be disappointed! If you are looking for more things to do in Chicago,  read our post on How to Spend One Day in Chicago. Thanks for reading, and be sure to check out our other Trips & Tips!

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