Lancaster County Amish Country

Quick Guide to Lancaster County: Top Things to Do

For this quick guide, we are thrilled to feature Jennifer from Wonders Within Reach. We have always enjoyed following her family’s adventures through her Instagram account, so we’re very excited for this collaboration. In this post, Jennifer shares the best things to see and do in her hometown of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Wonders Within Reach
Jennifer from the family behind Wonders Within Reach joins us for this quick guide!


Jennifer and her husband live in Lancaster County with their three children: Wesley, Nella and Jaden. Wesley, the oldest, is a self-proclaimed lover of adventure and beautiful things. Nella and Jaden are affectionately called “the twins”, as Nella was a happy surprise along the journey to adopt Jaden. These days, Jennifer is primarily busy with “chaos management”, but prior to children, she was a teacher for 8 years, including a year at an international school in Taiwan. 

Jaden is the main inspiration behind Wonders Within Reach. Because of his diagnosis of spina bifida, their primary focus is on sharing accessible family adventures. It has been so awesome to see Jaden conquering challenges with a big smile on his face on their fun family outings. As an avid traveler with an impressive list of countries visited, Jennifer loves sharing these experiences with her children to expand their worldview, understand other cultures and learn through experience. As she says, “Age and disabilities change the way we explore, but they just make the journey that much more rewarding!”

We’ll ask more about her favorite travel memories and tips later in this post. But for now, let’s get to learning about the top attractions in Lancaster County!


Why should someone visit your city? 

“This is so funny, because we ended up settling down near where I grew up in Lancaster County, PA, which certainly never felt like a destination. Since we’ve moved here, it’s really grown on me. There’s actually loads to do, and plenty worth traveling for. We’re famous for Amish Country, which is fun in and of itself. We also have what I’m certain is the best train town in the entire world (Strasburg), a historic downtown, impressive kids museums and activities, and plenty of cute towns scattered through the beautiful farm country.”

Strasburg Railroad
Good times await you on the Strasburg Railroad.

What is a touristy attraction you recommend and why? 

“Go ahead and check out Amish Country.  If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a fascinating subculture.  Oh, and Shady Maple Smorgasbord. It’s the largest buffet in the country. The 200 feet of authentic Pennsylvania Dutch cooking is so worth it!”

What is a touristy attraction you don’t recommend and why? 

“Nothing comes to mind… but it’s not that touristy of an area.”

Star Barn in Lancaster County
The Star Barn is a historical landmark in Lancaster County. They donate all proceeds towards orphans in need.

What is an attraction that is not as well-known that you would recommend and why? 

Middle Creek in Kleinfeltersville is a huge migration stop for snow geese. Somehow, the international community knows all about it, but no one domestic. I meet people from all over the world there, but no one from the States has heard of it! It’s a majestic sight to see thousands of snow geese taking flight together.”

Geese watching at Middle Creek
Be sure to check out the snow geese at Middle Creek.

What is a must-visit restaurant and why? 

“The Udder Choice in Ephrata. It’s just a little sandwich and ice cream place, but everything is delicious and under-priced.”


A big thanks to Jennifer for sharing her tips and suggestions on what to do in Lancaster County! Of course, we had to ask her a few more travel-related questions:

Where is your favorite destination you’ve ever traveled to? 

“Personally, Italy because I love to eat! I would love a daily visit – just for lunch. As a family, Antelope Canyon. It’s a surreal kind of beauty – I’ve never seen anything else like it.”

Antelope Canyon
The incredible Antelope Canyon was a top destination for Jennifer's family.

What is at the top of your travel bucket list at the moment? 

“Iceland! We’ve had plans to go twice… and then, life…”

If you could only share one travel tip, what would it be? 

“Short answer? Just relax and enjoy. Long answer? Life doesn’t go according to plan… ever! Focus on the people you’re with, enjoy the places you make it to, and laugh at the catastrophes that keep you from getting to the rest. The fact that you’re able to travel at all already means that life is beautiful. So soak in the good and shake off the rest!”


We want to thank Jennifer for sharing her suggestions and tips for the best things to see and do in Lancaster County! If you are a family looking for accessible adventures, following her Instagram and blog is a no-brainer. But Wonders Within Reach is a great resource for ALL families looking for travel inspiration and ideas. Be sure to follow their beautiful family at @wonders_within_reach on Instagram and at

Have you been to Lancaster County? What have been your favorite attractions? Leave them in the comments below. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check out our other Trips and Tips!

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